What do implementing a youth bicycle program, planting a drought-tolerant garden, and using solar kits to measure energy have in common? Envisioned by Santa Barbara County teachers and funded by Care for Our Earth grants, those environmental service projects were among dozens last year that showed local students the importance of saving energy, cutting traffic and pollution, and conserving water. Teachers — of grades K-12 — are again encouraged to apply for this year’s $300 Care for Our Earth grants.
Sample projects might include:
- a review of a school’s energy bills and a presentation of findings/recommendations
- a school-wide transportation survey to identify areas of greatest potential/solutions for greater efficiency
- an evaluation of water consumption at home to identify ways to reduce usage
The grant program is a collaboration of the Santa Barbara County Education Office Teachers Network, Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District, the Santa Barbara County Water Agency, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and Southern California Gas Company. Applications for 2015-2016 are due on Nov. 20 and can be found at www.teachersnetwork.sbceo.org.
Additional information about the Care for our Earth Grants for Teachers can be found at http://www.ourair.org/resources-for-teachers/#Care-Earth. For more information about how to apply, or for suggestions on project ideas, contact Steve Keithley of the Santa Barbara County Education Office at 964-4710, ext. 5281, or by email at skeithley@sbceo.org.