Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thanks to business

Radio Commentary

With a new year beginning, I’d like to take this opportunity to say thanks on behalf of our public schools for all the support received throughout 2013.
First, I’d like to say thanks to all the community members who support their local classrooms in so many ways.
Parents volunteer in classrooms. PTA members play invaluable roles at every school. Relatives and friends support local fundraisers, and neighbors pitch in at every turn.
I’d also like to thank the local business community, whose support of our schools continues to be strong.
            Businesses contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to support The Teachers Network, a program that recognizes outstanding teachers and spreads their successful classroom ideas.
            Businesses and local foundations also contributed generously to Computers for Families to ensure that we can address the digital divide for years into the future.
            Members of local businesses also help serve as mentors, making themselves available for “job shadow” programs of all sorts. And the Partners in Education alliance, recipient of the California School Boards Association’s prestigious Golden Bell Award, is recognized as being one of the strongest school-business partnership programs in the nation.
            Those of us who work in public education feel that what we do is very important to the future of our community.
            But we couldn't maintain the quality of all our programs without the full support of the community we serve.
            So please accept my sincere gratitude for helping in ways both large and small to make this community a better place for young people and families. That support is evident at every turn, and it is deeply appreciated.