Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hazelden success quotes

Radio Commentary

The success of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation’s services to young people and families struggling with addiction is best summed up by those who have been through the programs.

Said one young woman:  “It saved my life.  I don’t think I’d be alive if I didn’t come here.”

Said one young man:  “Before Hazelden, I didn’t know how to interact with people without drugs involved.” Sadly, his experience is all too common.

Another young person said:  “People deserve second chances. They also need space and time and positive people around them.”

He added:  “Hazelden taught me not only is hope possible, but you deserve it. I’m no longer a hopeless drug addict. Now I’m a drug-less hope addict.”

The program is straight-forward: Treat the whole person as well as the illness, treat every person with dignity and respect, be of service, and remain open to innovation.
Santa Barbara County has many local resources to help, providing high quality assistance. These include the Fighting Back program run by the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, the Rescue Mission, and Good Samaritan in Lompoc.

Families in crisis need to have multiple options.

Hazelden Betty Ford adds to this mix residential treatment centers in Oregon and Rancho Mirage that provide a holistic approach to the entire family. Further information is available at by calling 1-800-257-7800 any time, any day.

It’s important to know that help is available.