Thursday, April 9, 2015

Activities for literacy

Radio Commentaries

To help encourage literacy, ask your young child to draw a picture and tell you what the picture is about. Match pictures with written words. Write words or help your child cut out a word from a magazine.

Encourage writing skills, even scribbling, at an early age.

To help develop strong language skills, practice clapping out the sounds in words, saying letters, and sounding out words.

Use songs, finger plays (like Where is Thumper?), poems, games, rhymes, repetition, and patterns to help develop your child’s language skills.

Teach your child new words, explaining the meaning in simple terms. Over time, this really helps.

Simple conversation also helps encourage literacy in children, so talk to your child about the colors, sounds, and images in your home and surroundings.

Talk to your child about daily activities — for example, name the clothing as you dress your child, or locations as you drive.

Ask your child questions and encourage your child to ask you questions.

Speak in whole sentences and use a variety of words when talking to your child.

Encourage children to tell you about experiences and ideas that are important to them.  It’s fun AND educational.