Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Loving discipline

KTMS Radio Commentary

Punishment is a negative consequence of bad behavior that has already occurred.  Discipline is a positive way to focus future behavior. 
Here are some rules for loving discipline that have helped many parents.
1. Change misbehavior by setting positive goals to strive for, rather than negative ones to avoid.
2. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Children have an uncanny way of knowing the difference.
3. Involve your youngsters in solving problems. This will show them you value their judgment.
4. Talk less; do more.
5. Ask what happened to cause a certain misbehavior; don’t tell your child what you think happened. Listen carefully. The cause may surprise you.
6.Make clear what you want and praise children when they do it.
7. Impose logical consequences for any misbehavior. 
8.Give your children choices — but make sure you can live with them. If not, discuss the issue and explain why another choice might be better.
9.Focus on what’s good about your children, and expect their very best.
Always show your love.