Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bee stings

Radio Commentary

This is the time of year that parents should think about the risk of bees stinging their children and take some precautions.
Honeybees will sting if provoked or if they’re defending their nests.
The UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources has a list of precautions that children can take to avoid getting injured by bees. 
First, children should be taught to stay away from ALL honeybee swarms and colonies.
If they encounter a bee swarm, children should run away quickly. Teach them to protect their faces and eyes as much as possible while running. 
Children should get inside a car or building to take shelter. Tell children not to swat at bees. Rapid motions will cause them to sting.  
If children do get stung, tell them to go quickly to a safe area, such as a building or vehicle. 
The bee’s stinger should be removed as soon as possible. Do not squeeze the stinger because pressure will release more venom. Instead, scrape out the stinger with a fingernail or credit card.
Wash the sting area with soap and water. Then, apply an ice pack for a few minutes to relieve pain and swelling. 
Be sure to seek medical attention if your child has trouble breathing, or has been stung numerous times. 
These simple steps can go a long way to prevent bee stings, or at least to ease the pain after being stung.