Friday, June 14, 2013


Radio Commentary

When it comes to building a child’s sense of self-worth, never underestimate the power of a smile.
Children develop a sense of their own identities from the reactions they get from other people — especially their parents.
A child whose parents smile when she enters the room gets the message that she is valued and her parents are happy she is who she is.
Parents who frown at a child, even if they are not intentionally trying to be negative, send a message that they see something wrong or displeasing.
We have held an end-of-year awards ceremony that honors students for their academic achievements and their strong commitment to community service.
It is very customary for students to remark that through community service they had come to realize the simple power of a smile.
This was true whether they were helping children, the elderly, or those fighting illness.
So make smiling at your child a habit. A smile tells your child you are happy to see him and spend time with him. Even at the end of a tiring day, the effort it takes to smile will be worth it.
For building a child’s self-esteem, your smile can be worth more than any words.