Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Communications with teens

KTMS Commentary

Keeping lines of communication open during adolescence is a key to getting the most out of this challenging time of life.

            Some high school students listed ways they’d like their parents to communicate. Here’s their advice:

            •  Don’t pressure us to achieve all the time.

            •  Praise us when we do well.

            •  Tell us you love us even if we act like we don’t want to hear it.

            •  Be honest with us.

            •  Don’t yell at us. Nothing makes us want to fight back more.

            •  Let us form our own opinions about some things. 

            •  If we have a major problem, help us solve it. Don’t solve it for us; if you do, we’ll never learn how to function as adults.

            •  Give us a chance to disagree with you without telling us we’re “talking back.”

            •  Never stop talking to us. You’re the only ones we can count on for reassurance and love.

            This is all good advice for anyone who deals with teens.