Radio Commentary
From early on, children should have
books, be read to often, and see others reading and writing.
Children should also be encouraged
to talk about books they know and add storylines or create new endings.
The home environment is critical.
Make sure it is filled with printed material.
Put up some signs around the house
that use the child’s name. Have toys like alphabet refrigerator magnets.
Several Internet sites publish
lists of wonderful children’s stories.
There is no
substitute for a caring adult who takes time with a child.
Vocabulary, language skills, and
knowledge about the world are gained during interesting conversations with
responsible adults.
In daily
life, parents should point out and read words that appear in a child’s
environment — store signs, labels, TV titles.
Have your
toddlers share in making grocery lists and checking them off at the store. Sing
songs and tell stories whenever the opportunity arises.
Above all,
talk to your child whenever possible. It is the rhythms and sounds of language
that help with reading.