Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Time management skills

Radio Commentary

Many students aren’t fully prepared to make the jump from elementary school to secondary schools because they lack time-management or organization skills.
            In elementary school, students typically spend most of their time with one teacher, at the same desk every day. In middle or junior high, they move from class to class, and must take responsibility for their own time management.
            Here’s how students can be helped to make the transition:
            Consolidation is the key. Give students the proper organizational tools. A weekly planner and the right notebook can make a bigger difference than you might imagine.
            Recommend that students use a three-ring binder for all subjects, with dividers to separate the subjects, and plastic pockets to hold loose papers and items like pens and pencils. 
            A weekly planner is also helpful for recording assignments. Parents can sign off on it once a week. The planner should contain a section for recording grades. This way both students and parents can track progress.
Be sure to set up a proper work environment. Children need a quiet work space. The stereo or TV are both distractions whether students realize it or not.
Create a set schedule to replace daily reminding. The act of reminding students to do the same things over and over again becomes tedious and can waste valuable time.
            These practices really help.