Thursday, April 20, 2017

Relaxed and receptive

Radio Commentary

High-stakes testing is a fact of life. Students of all ages will take standardized tests throughout their school careers.
While some students are naturals at test-taking, others need help to do their best.
A publication titled “Principal Communicator” outlines four conditions that can help parents help their children feel confident about tests.
They all start with “R”: being Receptive Relaxed, Ready, and Rested.
Being “Receptive” is important. Parents can help young people develop a receptive attitude toward school in general, and testing in particular.
They can do this by making sure students understand that testing is merely a part of the learning process and that it is a measuring stick for how much they have learned.
The second “R” is for “Relaxed.” Anxiety can block the best-prepared student from doing well on a test.
It’s important to help children avoid getting hung up on how hard a test might be, or the negative consequences of doing poorly.
Being Ready — not cramming at the last minute — and being Rested, by getting a good night’s sleep before the test, are also vital.
Make sure your child knows you have confidence in them to do well, but that your approval of your child as a person does not depend on a test score.