Thursday, November 24, 2016

Giving thanks

Radio Commentary

There is an anonymous quote I’ve always liked. It says, “Without teachers there would be no other professions.”
The obvious meaning is that no one is born knowing a profession — someone had to teach practitioners what to do. 
An equally important message imparted by the quote is that teaching itself is a profession. It requires just as much skill and training as any other career — maybe more so than many others.
As we celebrate this day of thanksgiving it is fitting to give thanks to the many unsung heroes and heroines in our midst, who make a difference every day in the lives of local children.
Teachers personify our society's belief that universal public education is key to meeting the challenges of a changing world.
They strive to make every classroom an exciting environment where productive and useful learning can take place and each student is encouraged to grow and develop.
Our teachers reach out to foster the well-being of each student, regardless of ability, background, race, ethnicity or religion. Teachers also motivate students to find new directions in life and reach high levels of achievement.
We are thankful for all they do, and for the support from parents, business leaders, and members of the community, that is so vital to their work. Thank you all.