Monday, January 30, 2017

Six life messages

Radio Commentary

There are so many things we want our children to know and learn. Sometimes it’s hard to pare that list down into manageable chunks that are easy to digest and incorporate.
 Here are six critical messages that bear repeating for young people.
Every child should have these messages reinforced every day by a caring, trusted adult, because they form the basis for a feeling of self-worth.
They are deceptively simple, but surprisingly powerful:
Message Number One: “I believe in you.”
Two: “I trust in you.”
Three: “I know you can handle life’s ups and downs.”
Four: “I will listen to you.”
Five: “You are cared for.”
And Six: “You are important to me.”
It’s easy to see how a child who gets these messages on a regular basis, whether verbally, or through actions, will be well-equipped to handle life’s challenges and learn well in school.
When you think of it, anyone — of any age — would benefit from these messages.